Posters & Demos Track

Deadline for submission to this track: Sunday 25th May 2019

Notification of outcome to authors: Monday 22nd July 2019

Submit to this track here

The DPH 2019 conference review panel welcomes submissions from colleagues across professions and sectors with an interest in digital public health. Presenting a Poster or a Demo at DPH can provide a more intimate and informal discussion forum than the traditional oral presentation. Posters will be displayed digitally on screens in the main DPH 2019 Exhibition area. Poster and Demo presentations benefit from exposure to both DPH and European Public Health conference audiences. The quality of the programme depends on your submissions and we thank you for choosing this conference to present and share your work. 

How to submit

All submissions to this track must be made via the online system. You will be prompted to create an ‘EasyChair’ account on your first visit if you do not already have one. Submissions must be submitted in the required format. Please refer to DPH submission guidance.

Review process

Submissions will be reviewed by the DPH 2019 review panel and assessed on a number of criteria including written quality, scientific contribution, originality, suitability for the conference scope and overall quality. Each submission is reviewed by at least two members of the panel according to the reviewing criteria. From time to time panel members may feel that a particular submission lends itself to a different format to that which is proposed, and in these cases, authors will be invited to consider an alternative format. Authors will be notified of the outcome via email, by Monday 22nd July.

Inclusion in proceedings and programme

Successful submissions will be invited to prepare and submit a digital version of their Poster / Demo for display during the conference and for publication on the DPH 2019 website, prior to the conference. Poster and Demo presenters will be assigned a presentation time at which their poster will be displayed on the screens in the exhibition area. Poster walks will be grouped according to similar topics and/or methodologies and presenters should be available at this time to answer questions from the conference audience. All conference delegates (DPH and those attending the main European Public Health conference) will have opportunity to view Posters and Demos. Please note: Successful submissions to the Posters & Demos Track will not be published in the ACM Digital Public Health 2019 proceedings but will be published on the DPH 2019 website.

Important information

It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submission adheres strictly to the required format and complies with DPH publication policies. Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines may be rejected without review. Presenters are expected to register and pay for the conference at the appropriate rate. Failure to do so may result in authors and their work being removed from the conference website and programme.

Submit to this track here